Escort Mk2, 2.0L Duratec
Email received from Bruce in Australia, March 2012
‘Good day Steve,The Escort has now completed several events as a virgin white car and really is the goods.On the track it blitzes just about all similar saloons and some single seaters with the ability to lap most cars twice in a 12 minute sprint on a 1.5 klm circuit. I finally got it Rothmanised before last weekends street sprints. Look at the turmoil that happens when you stand out in the crowd.!! Must be the good SBD parts and advice.’
Email received July 2011 from Bruce, Australia who bought a MBE9A4i & ignition only system for his Duratec powered Escort.
‘Hi Steve,
I took the Escort out to one of our tracks on Wednesday for a run. It does everything I had wished for, the performance and handling is very good.
Although I have not driven an Escort in anger since 1981 (RAC Rally) it was just like it was yesterday. It sounds beautiful and revs very smoothly to 8000rpm, although it seems that it will pull away from almost any revs below this.’