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Use of Lambda?

There are several reasons why you may or may not want to use lambda. 1. Using a narrow band lambda sensor which is used on most early emissions cars is only suitable for fine trimming the fuel whenever everything is set up correctly. It is not a device to try and fix poor idling or […]

Lambda & Auto-tune systems

Question: I have a question for you, can we buy a Lambda sensor and connect it to our MBE system. And does our system contain a auto-tune system? Answer: As far as lambda systems are concerned, all MBE ECUs of the current spec are able to run closed loop mapping. The MBE9A4 can either run […]

Lambda for mixture analysing

Question: If I want to check the engine on the track, can I fasten my laptop in the car, then start the logging in the software and drive the car for about 15 minutes, then save the log on the computer. Is it then possible to analyse the log and then verify the mapping without […]

Fitting a lambda sensor to aid emissions

Question: Can I fit a lambda sensor to my engine to enable it to pass emissions? Answer: Your engine will need to be mapped correctly first and your car needs to be equipped with the correct exhaust system. The engine should not be too highly tuned and capable of running Lambda 1. Lambda control should only […]