Why should I use a circular tank and how high should I fill it?
A circular tank is far more efficient for the returning air and oil mix to be spun around the wall of the round tank so the air separates out and only oil can then reach the bottom of the tank. A rectangular tank cannot work in the same way and the oil would simply bounce off the walls, carrying the air which is trapped in it to the bottom of the tank.
We have found that a 5-litre tank capacity is sufficient even on our high specification engines. This does not mean that your oil system will not contain more oil, as this will depend on the length of your oil pipes, oil coolers, oil filter and any other components in the system. It simply means the tank itself will hold 5 litres and the oil should be checked on our tank with the engine running or immediately after stopping that the oil level is just below or level with the top baffle (and not above). Please see our instruction sheets for more details about dry sump tanks.