I have a Caterham with a Cosworth engine, is there anything special about this calibration with respect to TPS, as it relates to voltage sweep?
For some reason, Cosworth in their wisdom decided to wire their throttle position sensors backwards. The voltage actually descends as the throttle is open instead of increasing. MBE wrote some special software to invert the input voltage. You need to add a panel called ‘Throttle Angle Increasing’. The throttle sensor would output a voltage of just under 5v when the throttle is closed and approximately 0.5v at WOT, this value then hits the input pin of the ECU and the setup in the ECU has been set up to invert it, so the voltage rises as the throttle opens. This corrected voltage, which is throttle angle increasing should always show the voltage rising as the throttle is opened. The only time the throttle angle increasing would show the wrong value is if the direction of the throttle pot within the software is set up the wrong way round for the wiring that has been used on your particular application.